Cross Game
Synopsis: Baseball enthusiast, Koh Kitamura, lives next door to the Tsukishima family, who just happen to own a batting cage and the Clover cafe. The Tsukishima family has three daughters, the 2nd daughter, Wakaba, is Koh girlfriend and the 3rd daughter and baseball prodigy, Aoba, can't stand him. Wakaba dreams of seeing Koh pitching at the legendary Koshien Stadium, which holds the national high school championship finals. However, tragedy strikes, and its up to Koh, with the help of Aoba and his other teammates, to make Wakaba's dream come true.
Ko Kitamura: Is the male protagonist of this anime. The anime starts with him in the 5th grade and follows him through Seishu High School. Despite being very young, him and Wakaba are very close and their families treat them as if they were a couple.
Ko is described to very competitive, much like Aoba. Their likeness in character is what leads to their constant squabbling. Ko, however, is inspired by Aoba's pitching form and decides to take the steps to become a pitcher himself. Ko takes to heart what Aoba has to say and values her opinion more than others. He even secretly adopts Aoba's training regimen into his routine in order to become like her. Although, they do not see eye to eye they share a deep bond through their love for Wakaba.
With his change-up pitches, control and incredible fastball, he instantly becomes the ace pitcher at Seishu High School, as well as a strong hitter.
Aoba Tsukishima: Is the female protagonist of this anime. She is a year younger than Ko and Wakaba. She is seen as a tomboy, one who loves baseball very much by others. She has been playing catch with her father and has thus been groomed into a strong pitcher.
Unfortunately being a girl prevents Aoba from playing in official inter-school games; however, in practice games she plays center field and replaces Ko as a pitcher. Many of the younger players are inspired by how much effort she puts into baseball and coaching them, and they work hard so as to not disappoint her.
Due to her closeness to Wakaba during Part One, Aoba showed some jealous characteristics toward Wakaba's and Ko's relationship. She would constantly reiterate her dislike of Ko; however, when he became the ace pitcher of Seishu she slowly comes to admit his qualities as a player and becomes less reluctant to offer advice and even teaches him new breaking pitches. Towards the end she admits she has faith in Ko's ability to fulfill Wakaba's last dream, in which he pitches at Koshien.
Ko Kitamura: Is the male protagonist of this anime. The anime starts with him in the 5th grade and follows him through Seishu High School. Despite being very young, him and Wakaba are very close and their families treat them as if they were a couple.
Ko is described to very competitive, much like Aoba. Their likeness in character is what leads to their constant squabbling. Ko, however, is inspired by Aoba's pitching form and decides to take the steps to become a pitcher himself. Ko takes to heart what Aoba has to say and values her opinion more than others. He even secretly adopts Aoba's training regimen into his routine in order to become like her. Although, they do not see eye to eye they share a deep bond through their love for Wakaba.
With his change-up pitches, control and incredible fastball, he instantly becomes the ace pitcher at Seishu High School, as well as a strong hitter.
Aoba Tsukishima: Is the female protagonist of this anime. She is a year younger than Ko and Wakaba. She is seen as a tomboy, one who loves baseball very much by others. She has been playing catch with her father and has thus been groomed into a strong pitcher.
Unfortunately being a girl prevents Aoba from playing in official inter-school games; however, in practice games she plays center field and replaces Ko as a pitcher. Many of the younger players are inspired by how much effort she puts into baseball and coaching them, and they work hard so as to not disappoint her.
Due to her closeness to Wakaba during Part One, Aoba showed some jealous characteristics toward Wakaba's and Ko's relationship. She would constantly reiterate her dislike of Ko; however, when he became the ace pitcher of Seishu she slowly comes to admit his qualities as a player and becomes less reluctant to offer advice and even teaches him new breaking pitches. Towards the end she admits she has faith in Ko's ability to fulfill Wakaba's last dream, in which he pitches at Koshien.
I'm not one much for sports but I found this anime quite invigorating as chessey as it sounds. I loved the portrayal of Aoba's and Ko's growing relationship and how not only they but the Seishu baseball team faced many hardships but were able to overcome them in order to make it to Koshien. It literally had me on the edge of my chair every time they played a tournament. I would definitely recommend this one! :)
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